понедельник, 30 июля 2012 г.

Anyone can quit smoking; Why women shouldn't vote GOP

You can quit smoking
 -- If anybody says they can’t go cold turkey quitting tobacco, they are stone-cold liars. I’ve gone three days without a cigarette, because my little buddy wants me to quit. If I can do it, anybody can.

Against Baldwin school tax
-- The next time the vote comes up for the Baldwin County schools tax, I’m going to vote no. If Baldwin County is in such a bad fix, how can they afford these new computers? They need to teach students to sit down with a pencil and paper. That’s going to be lost with them just punching everything in a computer.

Quit firing teachers
-- I also see where the 2012-13 year approaches, the Mobile County schools are building new schools and buildings. If you have money to build new schools, you have money to pay the teachers. Stop firing the teachers.

The queen looked lovely
-- I’m calling about this picture the Press-Register put in about Queen Elizabeth. That’s the most beautiful picture I’ve seen of her. It really did make her look nice. It doesn’t look like she is in her 80s.

If it’s wrong, it’s wrong
-- Why do Mobilians care about gambling so much? People buy lottery tickets and gamble in Biloxi all the time. If something is wrong, it is wrong to do it anywhere and anytime.

Here’s a cry for help in Foley
-- Regarding the cry for help in Gulf Shores, I’d like to say ditto to that person. I have a cry for help in Foley. I’m a resident and can’t get out in this traffic. They need to come up with something besides the Beach Express -- people apparently aren’t using that bridge. The traffic is ridiculous in Foley.

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