понедельник, 9 июля 2012 г.

Claremont to consider eliminating second-hand smoke in outdoor areas with no enforcement

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City leaders are considering a new stand against second-hand smoke. The City Council on Tuesday will vote on a resolution against smoking that will also include funding for signs to be posted throughout the city. What it will not include is any type of penalty for those who choose to ignore the signage. "Basically, it's a resolution saying we as a city foster a healthier city by encouraging residents to eliminate second-hand smoke in outdoor areas," Councilman Sam Pedroza said. "But it does not have any enforcement."

The resolution would allocate $2,000 in signage and marketing to get the word out. Funds would go toward the purchase of 10 street signs at city entrance points, 64 light pole signs to be scattered throughout the city as well as indoor signs and more. It's not the first time city leaders have considered taking action against smoking in Claremont. In April 2010, the city voted 4-1 against a previous ordinance to ban smoking in areas such as outdoor dining areas, outdoor pub and patio bars, clubs and hotel common areas. In November 2010, the city voted 3-2 to prohibit smoking in public plaza areas such as the Claremont Village.

Violators are issued citations. "I'm in the middle ground where I'm very cognizant of people's personal freedom and the issues that brings up," Pedroza said. "At the same time, it would be nice if people were more courteous around others when smoking." Clean Air Claremont and the Los Angeles County Public Health Tobacco Control and Prevention Program approached the council with the resolution, Councilman Joe Lyons said.

Smoking bans are nothing new in the Inland Valley. Rancho Cucamonga in January 2008 passed an ordinance banning smoking at city-owned properties such as public parks, Victoria Gardens Cultural Center and City Hall. In March 2010, council members passed an ordinance that bars tobacco use in outdoor service lines and transit stops. La Verne passed an ordinance in October 2010 to ban smoking in parks. "I'm sure there will be considerable discussion, and we'll see how it plays out," Lyons said.

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